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How To Upgrade Your Swimming Pool In Time For Summer

With summer right around the corner, many Aussie families are looking to freshen up their swimming pool set-ups. For some, that may mean refilling on chlorine and clearing out debris to ensure the whole family has a space to relax and unwind on those sweltering Aussie summer days. For others, however, a swimming pool upgrade may involve a few more complicated measures, such as replacing outdoor power points, installing new deck lights, or assessing your swimming pool’s overall electrical safety.

Thankfully, being all too familiar with Aussie summers themselves, our team at All Electrics is well-versed in some of the most common swimming pool electrical repairs being sought out by Melbourne homeowners, including pool pump and filter installation jobs.

Read on if for some tips on how best you can make some big changes to your indoor or outdoor swimming pool set-up in time for summer 2022.

melbourne swimming pool electrics

Deck lights and outdoor lighting solutions

If you’re looking to elevate your entire outdoor entertainment space, swimming pool deck lights or mood lighting may be just what you need to create a truly unforgettable setting for all those breezy summer nights that are yet to come.

Of course, outdoor lighting installation can be a huge electrical project, which may involve ensuring your bulbs stay free from exposure to the elements. When it comes to installing swimming pool deck lights, you should also include taking some measures to ensure the lights are securely installed and well-sealed to minimise risks of moisture building up and burning out bulbs prematurely. 

Outdoor power points to accommodate amenities

Amenities are necessary for any outdoor living area, and swimming pools are no exception here. The best way of making sure that your swimming pool set-up can cater to the standards of modern outdoor living, is by investing in the installation of outdoor power outlets.

Ideally, your swimming pool’s electrical outlets should be far enough away from your pool to keep your pool environment safe for swimmers of all ages, but close enough that you and your family can take full advantage of having a power supply in your outdoor living area.

Consider incorporating amenities like a mini fridge or speaker system to your outdoor entertainment space. A bluetooth sound system will make controlling music an effortless endeavour. 

Heated spas for year-round use

Finally, despite the fact that many Aussie families install pools with thoughts of summer swimming in mind, there has undeniably been a growing demand for hot tubs and jacuzzis in Melbourne especially, as unpredictable weather conditions have often led to families covering up their pools for the majority of the year. 

Calls regarding spa installation projects are becoming increasingly common for us here at All Electrics, and our team of electricians have been happy to assist local residents in ensuring that their jacuzzi is available for use year-round. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries regarding our work with heated spa installations.

If you’re uncertain about how best to install your outdoor power points and deck lights, or perform any of the other swimming pool deck electrical upgrades outlined above, a consultation with your local electrician may help lead you in the right direction alongside ensuring that your swimming pool set-up is safe for the whole family to enjoy.

Contact the friendly team at All Electrics today so you can make sure that your swimming pool is ready for summer 2022.

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