Are Fan Heaters Safe? (2025 Update)
Winter is coming and it’s time to dig out them dusty old electric fan heaters from your attic to keep you warm during the chill. But this shouldn’t come at the cost of you, or your family’s safety. Are electric fan heaters safe? Are fan heaters safe in general? Come the winter months, our concern for electrical safety particularly goes out the window. For all the want of comfort, we can sometimes put ourselves at risk. From electric blankets to leaving thick rugs on top of heaters overnight, our hunt of warmth brings danger. Understanding the safety of your home electrical appliances and devices is important and in this article, we ask the question. Are electric fan heaters safe?
Are Fan Heaters Safe? Electric Fan Heaters Are Safe…. Generally.
Electric powered fan heaters, whilst generally safe, should be purchased and used with caution. The problem with small electrical devices is that they not only rapidly overheat, they are often made en mass in large warehouses overseas. The issue here is that for us, in Australia, we have strict safety regulations whereas other countries do not. If you are going to purchase an electric heater from Alibaba, you may want to consider spending a little extra and buying one on-shore.
Similarly, electric fan heaters are safe for us in the right hands. If you have an electric fan heater that has been stowed away in your attic for 3 years collecting dust, you need to give this a thorough scrub down before use. In 2015, a gentlemen in Sydney managed to blow an expensive power point installation and the earth core leakage unit within his home after using an electric heater for the first time after it had be stowed away for 5 years.
As with any electrical device, care must be taken. Just because you cannot see the mechanics inside, doesn’t mean that the device is not extremely dangerous. If you are unsure about whether your electrical appliances are safe for use, it’s worth investing into an electrical safety inspection for your home.
Can You Leave A Fan Heater On Overnight?
How long can you leave a fan heater on? Electric heaters during winter account for around one-third of household appliance fires. As such, you should never leave your heater running overnight whilst you sleep. By doing so, you are not only creating a potential safety risk, but electric heaters can also dry up your nasal passages. Now there’s a discomfort nobody wants!
If you are concerned about comfortable sleep during the colder months, switch on your electric heater an hour before you go to bed to warm up the room. Then, switch off as you tuck yourself under the sheets and be sure to add another layer of protection. Many people just assume that electric heaters are safe to run for hours upon end. However, this is not the case and for the sake of just a few short months, is it really worth running the risk?
Are Fan Heaters Dangerous?
As with any electrical device, care must be taken. The cheaper the device, the more likely that it has not passed rigorous safety checks which ultimately cost the supplier money. Similarly, you could have the safest device in the world but when placed into the wrong hands can be lethal. So, are fan heaters safe? Be smart when using your electric fan heaters as they are safe in general but do require good air space and smart minds to remain that way.